Fiber optic backbone

The backbone, or telecommunications backbone, is the nerve centre of a very high speed network.   The backbone uses the most efficient high-bandwidth technologies. Since the 1990s, optical fibre has become the foundation and standard for this segment of digital networks. However, smaller capacity axes can still be operated in FH (point-to-point Radio Relay) or by Satellite for isolated or island areas.

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The backbone is connected to the various collection networks of mobile (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) and fixed (FTTX, local radio loops, WIFI, etc.) operators. It concentrates and transports data flows between affluent networks to the core networks of telecommunications operators, but also to the main Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) and Datacenters that host services and data.

Tactis, which supported the major French and then pan-European backbone projects in the 1990s, has been supporting many emerging countries (particularly in Africa) since the early 2000s in the design and implementation of national backbone projects. These networks are established in dedicated civil engineering structures (ducts, technical premises, etc.), on alternative infrastructure supports (energy networks, rail and road transport infrastructures, etc.).

Tactis is also involved in these backbone projects within the framework of national and regional telecommunications master plans, the development of project plans, the development of technical specifications for design, deployment and operation, the development of public/private projects, the monitoring and control of the deployment and acceptance of completed works, the training of teams and experts in emerging countries, the establishment of operating teams.

Contact Benjamin Fradelle

A question about the fiber optic backbone? Need to remove doubts in view of a future project? Send an email to Benjamin Fradelle, Tactis Associate Director.

Tactis - Directeur associé - Benjamin Fradelle- Aménagement numérique des territoires

Benjamin Fradelle

Associate director Tactis
Since 2002, Benjamin Fradelle has been developing expertise in digital spatial planning, both in terms of defining the strategy of local authorities and in the technical and economic approaches associated with public initiative networks.