Advisor to lenders for the analysis of projected revenue of the Délégation de Service Public of the Alsace Region
In 2015-2016, Tactis was commissioned as an advisor to lenders for the analysis of the earnings profile of the DSP project presented by ROSACE group (NGE Concession, Altitude Infrastructure, Marguerite, Quaero) for the FttH network in the Alsace Region. It is a fiber network deployed in 700 municipalities and over 370,000 homes, businesses, and public facilities by 2022.
Tactis drafted a « Due Diligence » report on the assessment of the project revenues:
• Analysis of the request
• Penetration rate (« ramp up »)
• Product mix: IRU, passive rental, activated rental
• Rental rates for the services
Tactis has helped various financial institutions likely to bring their bank financing to the project proposed by the ROSACE group, and notably the financial group consisting of Société Générale, Crédit Agricole Alsace-Vosges, Caisse d’Épargne et de Prévoyance of Alsace, CIC, Arkea and SCOR.
In addition, Tactis’ intervention helped the European Investment Bank to position itself as a lender for refinancing, which was its first financing decision of a FttH project as part of a public-private arrangement.